Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday 110103

3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Overhead squats, 75 pounds
21 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

One element of Crossfit which is frequently intimidating to someone starting Crossfit is the mascot Pukie the clown. This mascot was created because of the intensity of some of the workouts drove some people to puke, either because they went beyond their limits or didn't scale up the intensity of their workouts in a normal pace. If you work to understand your limits and are patient with your progress you can become an excellent athlete without ever "meeting Pukie" But meeting Pukie always makes for a great story later, in a kind of sick "Crossfit"way.
"Happy Forging"


  1. My time was 25:17, I scaled the 400m runs with one-mile rides on the stationary bike for each round. My 40 y/o knees keep swelling and hurting from running. (40 bites)
    Pukie tried to jump me at the beginning of the third round, but I kicked him in the face and kept on going. What I thought was just going to be a Burp ended up as lunch hitting the back of my front teeth. It could have been an ugly WOD for me, BTW lunch was better the first time.

  2. 21:27, no scaling, almost puked.
