Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday 110313 & Monday 110314

Seven rounds for time of:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

Russell Berger 3:43, Ben Smith 3:50, Austin Malleolo 4:01, Chad Wittman 4:09, Keegan Martin 4:10 (age 17), Kristan Clever 5:39 (16lb ball), Rebecca Voigt 6:08 (16lb ball).
Post time to comments.

Behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Russell Berger: 265-275-285-295-300x-300x-300lbs.
Post loads to comments.

Crossfitter of the Week! RON MEACHAM
About Ron (From Facebook)
Current Manager of the Nerd Herd... "One of these things is not like the others... one of these things just doesn't belong!"

Those of you who know me also know I've never claimed I wasn't a jerk... so what are you complaining about... don't act so surprised.

By the way (in case you didn't already know) I have the most awesome wife and five children in existence. Don't even try to dispute this... you will most definitely lose. All you have to do for proof is check out the pictures.
Married to Eli Lopez Meacham
Anniversary May 24, 2001


  1. Sunday's WOD-8:12 with 16# Medball
    Monday's WOD-185-205-205-225(F)-225(F)-205-225
    I have no idea why I made Ron the Crossfitter of the week, other than he is a SUPER STUD for all of us to catch up to on Muscle ups!!!
    Hope you don't mind Ron, if you do, edit all you want.

  2. Sunday - 6:45 RX
    Monday - 185-205-225(f)-205-210(f)-205-225(f)

    Three cheers for Ron!

  3. Sunday's WOD - 7:58 with 16# Medball. This was a harder WOD than I expected. I really felt it in my biceps.

    Monday's WOD - 135, 155, 175, 185, 190, 195, and 205. This WOD just about gave me a massive hernia. I need to learn the technique behind this lift, before I kill myself. It did feel good lifting my body weight plus 20 lbs.

  4. Interesting post... Turd!!

    Sunday's WOD: 6:53 Rx'd

    Mon: 135-185-205f-195-200f-205f-200f-200-205
