Friday, May 13, 2011

On Box Jumps

There is some debate among us on the correct form for a box jump. Does one have to fully extend their hips when at the top of the box to count the repetition? Does one have to have their heel fully on the box for the repetition to count? Apparently, this is a debate everywhere. Since I couldn't find anything "official" on the Crossfit main site, here are a few links to the discussion boards for your consideration:

Ultimately, since I believe that none of us are competing, the workout is one's own. Do what you feel is correct and what you feel is legitimate; and just prepare a smart-assed comment for those who correct your form.

1 comment:

  1. In any workout, full range of motion is what is desired. So, I have my members fully extend the hips at the top in order for the repetition to count. As for heels on the box. Its their shins and risk, so its up to them.
