Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday 110204

Snatch balance 3-3-3-3-3

It was a day of learning for us.  I don't have any pictures from today but decided to post so we can get our posts up and going again.


  1. 65-85-105-105-45 Shoulders gave out.

  2. 85-105-105-135-135 I am with Danny on this one. The hardest part for me is trying to find the "sweet" spot that allows the weight to be balanced, I know it takes a lot of practice. Form is more important than the weight in almost all Crossfit lifts so lets make sure to not get hung up on the weight, it will come with practice.

  3. Yeah. Plus Danny has his first and second muscle-up so it was a good day of training overall.

  4. It was a good day for practicing an unfamiliar lift. I did about 50 sets of 135 lbs, 3 times.
