Thursday, June 23, 2011

Zane did some stuff

Okay, we are all separated now; and no one seems to be keeping up with the blog, so I thought that I would put something up.

Last Saturday, I spent the day putting together my home gym in my dad's garage. It is awesome. It is so nice, not having to share equipment, or improvise. I may put up some pictures later.

I have done four workouts since being home. Here they are:

Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

I did: 185-195-200-205-205-210-210

35 x double-unders
1 x snatch

One snatch attempt per round. Add total successful snatches for score.

I did: 11:54 (time) - 870 score (135-145-150-150F-145-145-150)(I struggled with the snatches this day)


For time:
Run 1000m
30 x handstand pushups
Row 1000m

I did: 14:57

21-15-9 for time:
315# deadlift
30" boxjump

I did: 12:41 (this one was rough)

The Altitude is rough here, but it adds to the challenge of the workout, so I welcome it. I also discovered that the lower your setting on your rowing machine's fan, the harder it is to row (10 is the easiet). Having figured that out, I will now say that rowing is much more challenging than sumo deadlift high pulls.

So, there you have it. Post if you feel like it. I will continue to on occasion as well. Good day.

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