Thursday, June 23, 2011

WOD update

I have done 4 WOD's since being back. The first one was 5x3 deadlifts 185, 215, 255, 285, 310.

Then I did 800m run, 21 95# OHS 15 95#thrusters, 9 pull-ups, 400m run, 9 OHS, 15 thrusters, 21 pull-ups, 800m run.

Then did 5 rft of 50m swim and 20 pushups

And yesterday I did 18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 of pull-ups, plyo-pushups and sit-ups.

Don't remember my times... But needless to say we were at a high level in Iraq. Really dominating up against some of the people I am working with here...

Good times.

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