Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WedNESDAY 110629

Well, I haven't done a crossfit WOD yet. Woot woo! I have been home very little since I got back, and when I am home I play soccer and hike. As for working out, I was going to join Wasatch Crossfit but it's $80 a month and I am not sure how long I will be in the area. If I end up staying I will join. But for now, I work out up at Hill Air Force Base (where it's free :) with good ol' Mister Kirk Waldron. Today was back and biceps. Good workout. I do miss Crossfit a lot though and plan on stopping by Wasatch Crossfit when I get back from Arizona next week. And the elevation kills me when I run!


Rough WOD. Pukey almost got me.
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 pull ups 10 pushups 15 squats.

20 rounds for me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

One pic

This is the weight area of my garage gym (I also do pullups and dips here). I also have a flat bench that I can put in the squat rack to do bench press. My rower and GHD machine is upstairs and I am working on turning an old swing set into my rope climb/wallball/muscle up station. I will post pics when it is done. May be a few weeks from now, as I am going for a trip.

Friday I did:

50 x pullups
10 x burpees
40x pullups
20 x burpees
30 x pullups
30 x burpees
20 x pullups
40 x burpees
10 x pullups
50 x burpees

my time: 37:09

I skipped the weekend (trying to move into my apartment and my Dad's 66th birthday party)

Today I did:

9-7-5 for time:
135# snatch

my time: 21:31 (I did all my muscle ups legit, and I am able to chain them now. Woot!)

I may do 110521, run 1 mile, today as well. We will see.


We did 5x5 bench and then did Helen

I got a poor 12:25. Just wasn't feeling it and stil can't kick this cold!

Friday, June 24, 2011

21-15-9 95# push press, 95# hang clean, burpees

15:17 was my time. I would compare them to the other people but I was the only one who showed up today.:)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

WOD update

I have done 4 WOD's since being back. The first one was 5x3 deadlifts 185, 215, 255, 285, 310.

Then I did 800m run, 21 95# OHS 15 95#thrusters, 9 pull-ups, 400m run, 9 OHS, 15 thrusters, 21 pull-ups, 800m run.

Then did 5 rft of 50m swim and 20 pushups

And yesterday I did 18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 of pull-ups, plyo-pushups and sit-ups.

Don't remember my times... But needless to say we were at a high level in Iraq. Really dominating up against some of the people I am working with here...

Good times.

Zane did some stuff

Okay, we are all separated now; and no one seems to be keeping up with the blog, so I thought that I would put something up.

Last Saturday, I spent the day putting together my home gym in my dad's garage. It is awesome. It is so nice, not having to share equipment, or improvise. I may put up some pictures later.

I have done four workouts since being home. Here they are:

Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

I did: 185-195-200-205-205-210-210

35 x double-unders
1 x snatch

One snatch attempt per round. Add total successful snatches for score.

I did: 11:54 (time) - 870 score (135-145-150-150F-145-145-150)(I struggled with the snatches this day)


For time:
Run 1000m
30 x handstand pushups
Row 1000m

I did: 14:57

21-15-9 for time:
315# deadlift
30" boxjump

I did: 12:41 (this one was rough)

The Altitude is rough here, but it adds to the challenge of the workout, so I welcome it. I also discovered that the lower your setting on your rowing machine's fan, the harder it is to row (10 is the easiet). Having figured that out, I will now say that rowing is much more challenging than sumo deadlift high pulls.

So, there you have it. Post if you feel like it. I will continue to on occasion as well. Good day.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"FOCUS" Tuesday, 2011.06.01

Baseline: ROM drills, then Sand Bag Drills 15 minutes.

Strength: 8 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 Back Squat (BS)

Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed: 3 x BS @ 85% 1RM, 20 x Box Jumps, Buddy Carry 50M

Work Capacity: For Time do 21 - 15 - 9 of each exercise, with 400M run after each set:

  • Dead Lift (225# / 155#)
  • Wall Ball (20# / 14#)
  • Hand Stand Push-ups

Durability: Sprints 12 x 100M (:15 internval). Grinder Core work 15 minutes non-stop. Active Stretch.

New to SEALFIT? this.

Equipment: Sand Bags, Oly Set, Wall Ball. WC: do 21 of each, then run 400m. Then do 15 of each, run 400M. Finish with 9 of each and a final 400M run. The 2012 schedule is posted above for your planning purposes if you desire to come to one of our camps, academies or seminars. Comments welcome - train hard and safe, and have fun -- Coach Divine