MONDAY, 05.16.11: DECISIVE (one week behind)
Baseline: ROM Drills, 3 rounds: 20 x wall balls, 20 x double unders
Work Capacity: on the minute, for 20 minutes, do:
- 1 x Dead Lift (185 / 125#)
- 2 x Push-ups
- Increase by 1 DL and 2 Push-ups each round. If you fail to complete a round, back down one level and finish out the 20 minutes at that level
Strength: 8 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 Squat Clean
Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed: 3 x SC @ 80% 1RM, 20 x KB Swing (55#), Buddy Carry 50M
Durability: Sprint 10 x 100M (:20 interval between sets). Plank hold 2 x 3 min. Active Stretch
New to SEALFIT? this.
Equipment: I adjusted the Dead Lift load down a bit after doing the WOD at 205# and failing to get past 10 / 20. This is tough - keep your Dead Lift form solid and steady. Do not rush it. When you get to where you can't complete the Rx in a minute, then back down one or two and continue at that rep count until you get to 20 minutes. Comments welcome - train hard and safe, and have fun -- Coach Divine